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10 Facts About MAK

MAK Facts

Here are 10 key facts about Mongolyn Alt (MAK) LLC.

  1. MAK's Tax Contributions

    MAK Facts

    MAK has contributed 3 trillion MNT in taxes to both national and local budgets. To put this in perspective, this amount could fund the construction of 41,500 kindergartens, significantly expanding early education access by 40 times.

  2. Global Partnerships with Over 100 Companies

    MAK Facts

    MAK collaborates with more than 100 leading companies across 10+ countries, including Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria, the United States, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.

  3. Recognized as Mongolia’s Top Enterprise for 26 Consecutive Years

    MAK Facts

    Since the Mongolian government began ranking the TOP-100 enterprises in 1998, Mongolyn Alt MAK LLC has been recognized as one of the top enterprises for 26 consecutive years.

  4. 30% of MAK Employees Belong to Generation Z

    MAK Facts

    MAK has created over 4,000 jobs, with Generation Z representing 30% of its workforce.

  5. Housing Solutions for Over 140 Employees

    MAK Facts

    As of 2023, MAK has resolved the housing needs of more than 140 employees. The company also offers six different salary and bonus policies to support its staff.

  6. MAK Euro Block Plant Awarded the "State Gerege"

    MAK Facts

    In 2016, MAK Euro Block Industry was honored with the "State Gerege" — the highest award in national construction — for its contributions to Mongolia's industrial and construction sectors.

  7. 2000 Containers of Equipment Used for Cement Plant Construction

    MAK Facts

    The construction of the MAK Euro Cement Factory began in 2012 and spanned five years. During this time, more than 2,000 containers of equipment and machinery were utilized for the project.

  8. Over 100 Corporate Social Responsibility Projects

    MAK Facts

    MAK places a strong emphasis on health and education as part of its corporate social responsibility, investing over 50 billion MNT in more than 100 social responsibility projects and programs.

  9. Distinguished Employees

    MAK Facts

    Over the past 30 years, MAK has produced two Heroes of Labour and seven state honorees, with a total of 766 employees receiving top national distinctions.

  10. Operations Across 5 Key Sectors

    MAK Facts

    MAK operates in five main sectors: mining, building materials production, energy, and agriculture.

Bonus Fact

In 2004, Mongolyn Alt MAK LLC ceased its gold mining operations to focus on the development of other industries.

MAK Facts


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